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Drawing Courses





Introduction to Drawing for Beginners 


Date to be arranged


Ruth is currently teaching drawing skills to furniture design students at the fantastic robinson house studios in Newhaven East Sussex. Robinson house studios was founded by designer craftsman Marc Fish.




Ruth has been drawing for most of her life and, being aware that participating in creative activities has the potential to promote wellbeing, she loves to share her skills with others. Ruth runs small, relaxed and supportive classes where she encourages participants to engage, take risks and have some fun with the creative process. 



Introduction To Drawing For Beginners

 - 5 week course



Participants will explore:

  • Mark making

  • How to create tonal values using a range of pencils

  • How to create the impression of three dimensions using pencils

  • Contour drawing

  • Drawing the hand


Cost - £115 

        Includes plastic film and whiteboard pen

        Non-refundable deposit of £50 to secure the place. If unable to attend after paying the deposit, the 

        deposit can be used towards securing  a future drawing or watercolour course. 




Materials required:


- A Set of  graphite drawing pencils ranging  from HB to 8B, consisting of HB, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8B.

- Drawing 'cartridge' paper pad A4 size

- Putty rubber

- A ruler

For all courses attended on Zoom Ruth may send you images by email which you can print off so it is preferable to have access to a printer if possible.

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